Why are you reading this?

Hi there! Are you also Lost?

Then welcome to Lost's Box

I have no idea on what I'm doing mostly because I don't know how to code, but I do like writing (listen man, I'm an english major for a reason). This box or site or whatnot exists because I managed to shoot myself in the foot one too many times on Instagram. Speaking of which...I think that account is suspended because of my chaos.

If you manage to stumble upon this blog, I suggest taking it easy for a while since I'm still fixing it to have my own customizations and whatnot. Also there's gonna be a LOT of janky stuff going around...and updates will be slow considering I suck at coding and am about to have my class start again. Also there is a very high chance I might redo this entire thing because I am so confused and overwhelmed with coding.

As for now...stay Lost. We wander until we find our answers.